Mini-Adventure in Bangkok

We woke up, and what do you know – we’re in Bangkok! We both slept so well, I think we forgot where were until we opened the curtains and saw the Chao Phraya river snaking off into he distance. If the amount of activity on river was any indication, it looked like we must have slept in, because things were hoppin’ down there. Continue reading “Mini-Adventure in Bangkok”

Hello Bangkok!

We’ve been in the air for most of the last 18 hours. Finally, we’re over Thailand. It looks beautiful down there. Everything is green, green, green. As we get closer to Bangkok, we start to see more signs of life. Farms, of course, but also small towns, a golf course or two, and what appears to be a busy freeway. Final descent — started. Continue reading “Hello Bangkok!”

Time to Go Home — Waaaaaaaaaaaah!

It’s the last day of our trip. Waaaaaaaaaaaah! We’ve arrived at gigantic Charles de Gaulle airport via train from Lyon. Our hotel for the night is inside the airport complex, which makes everything convenient. We had quite a time figuring out which shuttle to take from the train station, through the airport, and to the hotel, but we made it without too much difficulty. Everything considered, it was a pretty easy travel day. Continue reading “Time to Go Home — Waaaaaaaaaaaah!”

Dejeuner (Lunch) in Annecy

“C’est l’heure du dejeuner! Mangeons!”

(“It’s lunch time! Let’s eat!”)

We’re in the beautiful little town of Annecy. We’ve had a look around, and we can attest to Annecy being as beautiful as the calendar photos would have one believe. It’s really a special place.

We worked up an appetite getting here and then walking around town. The lunch hour had arrived, so our top priority became selecting a place to have lunch. We ended up at a place that had a protected area where people were eating outside. They were busy – always a good sign — and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. We decided to join them. Continue reading “Dejeuner (Lunch) in Annecy”

Exploring Annecy

We’re in the little town of Annecy, France, tucked in near the base of the French Alps. We’re just south of Geneva, Switzerland, and just north of some famous Alpine ski resorts like Chamonix and Albertville. No skiing for us, though. We’re just in this neck of the woods to wander around and gawk at the beautiful surroundings like a couple of wide-eyed tourists. Continue reading “Exploring Annecy”

Day Trip to Annecy

Today we’re going to make an excursion out of Lyon to the little town of Annecy. (Pronounced “an-see”). It takes about an hour and a half to get there by train, which is how we’re going. It’s about sixty miles due east of Lyon, towards the Swiss border. In fact, Annecy is only twenty miles from Geneva, Switzerland. Continue reading “Day Trip to Annecy”

Tartine aux Sardines!

I just sat down to have dinner at a little restaurant in the Presque-Ile district of Lyon. The place I’m at is packed into a neighborhood with about thirty or forty restaurants – or maybe quite a few more – so it was hard to decide where to eat. At least I knew I wouldn’t go hungry. (Not that has been a concern of late). Continue reading “Tartine aux Sardines!”