Robbed at Cinque Terre Part 2 – Getting-Robbed Hangover

We’ve spent the last few days in Santa Margherita Ligure, using it as our home base for exploring this part of the Italian coast. Yesterday was our “Cinque Terre” day. It went off-course when someone picked my pocket at the train station in Vernazza. No real harm was done, other than losing some cash, but today I have what one might call a “getting-robbed hangover.” Continue reading “Robbed at Cinque Terre Part 2 – Getting-Robbed Hangover”

Lunch in Vernazza

Cinque Terre – Five Lands – is a string of five picturesque fishing villages on the Italian Riviera. This morning we took the train from Santa Margherita Ligure to the southern-most Cinque Terre village, Riomaggiore. Now we’re ready to have lunch in Vernazza. Continue reading “Lunch in Vernazza”