Dubrovnik’s Recent History – You Can Feel It

So many European destinations ooze history. We love it. But it’s usually the middle ages or ancient history that comes alive. Visiting Dubrovnik is different. The Old City and it’s awesome wall are ancient enough, but the history here is still fresh. Almost too fresh. You can feel it. Continue reading “Dubrovnik’s Recent History – You Can Feel It”

A Walk through Dubrovnik – and a Walk through History

We’re in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Our big Italian cruise ship pulled into Dubrovnik’s Old Harbor this morning. We jumped onto tenders that took us into the harbor, then entered the Old City and started our walk through Dubrovnik. Continue reading “A Walk through Dubrovnik – and a Walk through History”

Pulling Into Dubrovnik. Wow.

Last night we made the 700-mile journey from the Greek island of Rhodes to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Now our big Italian cruise ship is pulling into Dubrovnik. It’s a spectacular scene, seeing the city walls from just outside the harbor. Let’s go see what’s inside. Continue reading “Pulling Into Dubrovnik. Wow.”