Florence Crawls out of the Dark Ages

There’s a 13th-century building in Florence called Orsanmichele. Statues of the saints line its exterior walls. There has to be a back-story. There is. It’s the story of how Florence crawls out of the Dark Ages – taking the rest of the western world along with it. Continue reading “Florence Crawls out of the Dark Ages”

Florence, Italy – Mamma Mia!

Florence, Italy – by all accounts, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It’s a renaissance art-lover’s paradise. Michaelangelo’s “David” resides there in the Accademia Gallery. The place oozes history. And of course there’s bistecca alla fiorentina. What are we waiting for? Andiamo! Continue reading “Florence, Italy – Mamma Mia!”

Train Ride from Venice to Florence

We’re at the train station in Venice, or I should say, “Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia.” (It sounds so much nicer). We’re taking a train ride from Venice to Florence. Our reservations are confirmed and we’re ready to go. We just have to find “Binario Quindici.” No, that’s not the conductor’s name — it means “Track #15,” remember? Continue reading “Train Ride from Venice to Florence”