Train Ride from Venice to Florence

We’re at the train station in Venice, or I should say, “Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia.” (It sounds so much nicer). We’re taking a train ride from Venice to Florence. Our reservations are confirmed and we’re ready to go. We just have to find “Binario Quindici.” No, that’s not the conductor’s name — it means “Track #15,” remember? Continue reading “Train Ride from Venice to Florence”

Train Ride through Lombardy, Italy

We’re on a train ride through Lombardy, in northern Italy. We’re on our way from Varenna, on Lake Como, to Milano. We had tickets for a train that required a train change in Lecco, but we jumped on a non-stop train when the opportunity presented itself. I was hoping there wouldn’t be any negative repercussions. It’s a short ride to Milano. Maybe the conduttore won’t find his way to our car. Continue reading “Train Ride through Lombardy, Italy”

Day-Trip to Milan – All Aboard!

The weather in Bellagio has changed. Yesterday it was sunny and warm, but this morning it’s chilly and drizzling. Oh well. We’ll be inside a boat, train, or a bus most of the day. We’ve just set out on a day-trip to Milan. Continue reading “Day-Trip to Milan – All Aboard!”

Waking Up in Bellagio

Huh? Wha? Where am I? It took me a few minutes this morning to remember where we were. I got out of bed, went over to the window, and opened the curtain to see beautiful Lake Como, sparkling in the early morning light. Oh yeah, NOW I remember! It’s our first day waking up in Bellagio. Continue reading “Waking Up in Bellagio”

Dinnertime in Bellagio – Mangia!

It’s dinnertime in Bellagio – a picturesque little town on the shore of Lake Como, in northern Italy. The town is a nest of stone-paved alleyways that meander up and down the hillside next to the lake. We’ve been out exploring, with an eye out for a restaurant that looks interesting. We just found one. Oh boy… Continue reading “Dinnertime in Bellagio – Mangia!”

Ciao Italia!

That’s right – “Ciao Italia!” We landed this morning at Malpensa Airport, just outside of Milan. Our plan was to rent a car, find our way to the town of Bellagio on beautiful Lake Como, and check into a hotel there. Bellagio is only 90 km (56 miles) from Malpensa airport. What could possibly go wrong? Continue reading “Ciao Italia!”