Les Halles and Le Ventre de Paris

We’ve had quite a day, visiting Place du Tertre at Montmartre with throngs of other tourists, taking a break in the afternoon, then walking over to where Les Halles used to be.  To get ourselves in the proper mood, we were thinking about Emile Zola’s book that takes place in Les Halles, Le Ventre de Paris. (The Belly of Paris). The main character, a fellow named Florent, had been found, barely alive, by a lady at the head of an early morning procession of vegetable carts heading to market at Les Halles. Continue reading “Les Halles and Le Ventre de Paris”

First Look at Montorgueil, Paris

We’ve arrived in Paris, settled into an apartment, and rested up.  Now we’re ready to go check out our new neighborhood — Montorgueil.  It’s pronounced, “Mohnt – or – gull-oy” without the “ll.”  What I mean is, for that last syllable, pronounce the start of the syllable as if you’re saying “gull”, as in “seagull.”  But pronounce the last part of that syllable as if you’re saying “oy” as in “Oy Vay.”  —  “Mohnt-or-guoy.” It’s a hard one, that’s for sure.  Go ahead and work on that for awhile.    Meanwhile, we’ll get out and about and see what this part of town is all about. Continue reading “First Look at Montorgueil, Paris”