Market Day in Aix Continued – Paella!

Market days in small towns across France are something special. They occur on designated days once or twice a week in towns that aren’t large enough to support a permanent open-air market. The atmosphere is low-key, but festive at the same time, as shoppers wander around and vendors and customers negotiate prices. And there’s always something cooking. In this case, as noted last time, it’s paella. Continue reading “Market Day in Aix Continued – Paella!”

Market Day in Aix-en-Provence

Yesterday was a full day. We drove all over Provence, visiting Alphonse Daudet’s windmill, Arles, and Les Baux along the way. Now we’re back in Aix. It’s market day in Aix-en-Provence, so it’s the perfect day to stay in town and take it easy. Continue reading “Market Day in Aix-en-Provence”

Market Day in Arles

As noted last time, due to its strategic location on the Rhone river, Arles was an important city in the Roman Empire. These days, Arles is more like a quiet little country town. But it wasn’t very quiet when we arrived. It was market day in Arles, so there was lots of hustle and bustle. That’s OK, though. It was a nice, laid back, country-style kind of hustle and bustle. Continue reading “Market Day in Arles”