Cosa Sono I Gamberi?

Parma is a bustling college town in north-central Italy, about halfway between Milan and Florence. We’ve stopped here for lunch while driving from Bellagio to Santa Margherita Ligure. I thought I knew what I was doing when we ordered, but I should have included a question in my order: Cosa sono i gamberi? (What are gamberi?) Continue reading “Cosa Sono I Gamberi?”

Lunch In Parma? I Hope So.

We’re in Parma, Italy. Today started out great. The sun was shining when we left Bellagio. We drove to Parma via the Autostrada without any problems. Then it started to rain. Then, as described last time, when we reached the Parma exit, we took a wrong turn that took us way off course. Driving in central Parma was chaotic. We were famished. All we wanted to do was to stop and have some lunch in Parma. Continue reading “Lunch In Parma? I Hope So.”

Getting to Parma – the Hard Way

It was beautiful this morning when we left Bellagio, but now dark clouds are forming overhead. I think I felt a raindrop. We’re on our way from Bellagio to Santa Marguerita Ligure by way of Parma. We didn’t know it at the time, but we’d be getting to Parma the hard way. Continue reading “Getting to Parma – the Hard Way”