Inside the Biblioteca Ambrosiana

If you’ve been following along, you know we’re in the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, searching for Petrarch. We’ve been following a docent around, scurrying past masterpiece after masterpiece. I had no idea this museum was so big. Big, and packed with amazing examples of man’s greatest creations. But so far, no Petrarch. Maybe he’s in the library  –  the Biblioteca Ambrosiana… Continue reading “Inside the Biblioteca Ambrosiana”

Lost in Milan’s Pinacoteca Ambrosiana

We’re lost in Milan’s Pinacoteca Ambrosiana. We came here to see Petrarch’s personal copy of Virgil’s works, but there has been no sign of it so far. I had asked a docent for help, but he spoke zero english, and my italian wasn’t up to the task. It didn’t help that the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana turned out to be much larger than I had thought. Continue reading “Lost in Milan’s Pinacoteca Ambrosiana”

Petrarch Who?

Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, the oldest museum in Milan, has in its collection a very special book. The book is Petrarch’s personal copy of the works of the Roman poet, Virgil. Hold on, there. Petrarch? Petrarch who? Petrarch: the first writer to emerge from the Dark Ages. You need to get to know him. Continue reading “Petrarch Who?”