Inside the Biblioteca Ambrosiana

If you’ve been following along, you know we’re in the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, searching for Petrarch. We’ve been following a docent around, scurrying past masterpiece after masterpiece. I had no idea this museum was so big. Big, and packed with amazing examples of man’s greatest creations. But so far, no Petrarch. Maybe he’s in the library  –  the Biblioteca Ambrosiana… Continue reading “Inside the Biblioteca Ambrosiana”

Petrarch Who?

Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, the oldest museum in Milan, has in its collection a very special book. The book is Petrarch’s personal copy of the works of the Roman poet, Virgil. Hold on, there. Petrarch? Petrarch who? Petrarch: the first writer to emerge from the Dark Ages. You need to get to know him. Continue reading “Petrarch Who?”