The Hunchback of Notre Dame

We’re in Paris, gazing up at “la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.” It’s been a month since the fire. If you’re a fan of Victor Hugo’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” you can’t walk by the great church in its current state without thinking of poor old Quasimodo, the hunchback himself. In the story, it’s he who starts the church on fire. OK, that was a bad thing to do, but he had his reasons… Continue reading “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

Notre Dame After the Fire

Today we’re going for a walk that will take us by Île de la Cité, the island in the Seine river where the mighty Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris stands. It’s been a month since the fire. I don’t know why I want to see Notre Dame after the fire. I just do. Continue reading “Notre Dame After the Fire”