Last Night in Santa Margherita Ligure

It’s our last night in Santa Margherita Ligure. Tomorrow morning we’ll hit the road and drive to our next home base – Alba. Alba isn’t a major tourist destination. It’s not Florence or Rome, but it is in one of the best wine-growing regions in Italy, and it’s the home of the world’s most famous truffle festival. Continue reading “Last Night in Santa Margherita Ligure”

A Slice of Life in Santa Margherita Ligure

If you’ve been following along, you probably think there’s an error in the title of this post. It should be a slice of CAKE in Santa Margherita Ligure, no? We did see a lot of great-looking cakes this morning, that’s for sure. And they did make us hungry. But now it’s time for lunch. So instead of cake, we’re going to have a nice Italian lunch while we’re treated to a slice of life in Santa Margherita Ligure. Continue reading “A Slice of Life in Santa Margherita Ligure”

Santa Margherita Ligure – Bakery Row

The Italian Riviera is dotted with small coastal towns, each with their own character. We had planned to take a drive along the coast today and visit one or two. Maybe Chiavare or Sestri Levante. But after yesterday’s excitement, we decided to just take it easy and take a walk around town. I’m glad we did, too, because we stumbled upon what one might call Santa Margherita Ligure’s “Bakery Row.” Continue reading “Santa Margherita Ligure – Bakery Row”

Robbed at Cinque Terre Part 2 – Getting-Robbed Hangover

We’ve spent the last few days in Santa Margherita Ligure, using it as our home base for exploring this part of the Italian coast. Yesterday was our “Cinque Terre” day. It went off-course when someone picked my pocket at the train station in Vernazza. No real harm was done, other than losing some cash, but today I have what one might call a “getting-robbed hangover.” Continue reading “Robbed at Cinque Terre Part 2 – Getting-Robbed Hangover”

Robbed at Cinque Terre!

Today we were in Vernazza, one of the five Cinque Terre towns on the Italian coast. We had a great lunch at a restaurant overlooking the marina – a gorgeous setting. We were enjoying life. Little did we know that we were about to be robbed while at Cinque Terre. Continue reading “Robbed at Cinque Terre!”

Dinner at Nonna’s House

We’re settling in for dinner at a quaint little restaurant in Santa Margherita Ligure. If you’re lucky enough to have a little Italian grandmother – a “nonna” – the feeling in this restaurant might be similar to that of your nonna’s house. And so far, the only person we’ve seen working here is a lady who looks like she must certainly be somebody’s little Italian grandmother. It’s like we’re having dinner at Nonna’s house. Continue reading “Dinner at Nonna’s House”

Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, and Mr. T

Portofino is a beautiful little town on the Italian Riviera. We’ve just had the grand tour, provided by a most-engaging Portofino taxi driver. Now we’re back in Santa Margherita Ligure, making dinner plans. I read about a restaurant here that’s supposed to be like eating at your Italian nonna’s house. I don’t have an Italian nonna, but it sounds molto buono, eh? Continue reading “Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, and Mr. T”

Lunchtime in Santa Margherita Ligure

It’s lunchtime in Santa Margherita Ligure. After our bus ride that didn’t happen, we found a nice little “ristorante” that has a view of the marina. While we’re having lunch, we’re going to make a plan for the next few days. We’ll go to Cinque Terre for sure. Portofino, Chiavari, Sestri Levante, and Levanto are some other potential destinations. So much to do on the Italian Rivieria, so little time. But right now, it’s lunchtime. Mangia! Continue reading “Lunchtime in Santa Margherita Ligure”

Santa Margherita Ligure Bus Ride – or Not!

It’s a sunny morning in Santa Margherita Ligure, on the Italian Riviera – perfect weather for a side-trip to Portofino. The little harbor at Portofino is a playground of the rich and famous. It’s just north of here. We’ve been told that taking the local bus is a great way to get there. What could be more fun than a Santa Margherita Ligure bus ride? Continue reading “Santa Margherita Ligure Bus Ride – or Not!”

Close Encounter of the Bugatti Kind

It’s raining on the fertile plains of northwestern Italy. We don’t care. We just had a great lunch in Parma. Now we’re driving southwest on the A15 toward La Spezia. We’ll leave the A15 to head north toward Rapallo, then to Santa Margherita Ligure. Little did we know that before we’d reach our destination, we would have a close encounter of the Bugatti kind. Continue reading “Close Encounter of the Bugatti Kind”