Train Ride from Venice to Florence

We’re at the train station in Venice, or I should say, “Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia.” (It sounds so much nicer). We’re taking a train ride from Venice to Florence. Our reservations are confirmed and we’re ready to go. We just have to find “Binario Quindici.” No, that’s not the conductor’s name — it means “Track #15,” remember? Continue reading “Train Ride from Venice to Florence”

Good-bye Venice, Hello Greek Isles!

If you’ve been following along, you’ll be glad to know that the rain in Venice has stopped, at least for now. I’ve dried myself off, wrung out my wet clothes, and packed them in a plastic bag. I’m ready to take a cruise. The sad news is that we have to say good-bye to Venice. But the good news is that we’re going to say hello to the Greek Isles! Continue reading “Good-bye Venice, Hello Greek Isles!”

Time to Say “Arrivederci” to Venice

It’s time to say “Arrivederci” to Venice. On our last night, we went out for a nice dinner, came back to the hotel, and started packing. The television was on while we were packing. There was the usual stuff. Then there was this… Continue reading “Time to Say “Arrivederci” to Venice”

Venice’s Jewish Ghetto

Lying in bed in our Venice hotel room early this morning, wide awake, I was thinking about a place in Venice called the Jewish Ghetto. I had read about it and was intrigued. It would be a lengthy hike, but I decided to go for an early-morning walk to check it out. Continue reading “Venice’s Jewish Ghetto”

The Gondola – She’s a Beautiful Thing

If you’ve been following along, you know that we’re in negotiations with a gondolier who’s on his home turf and seems to have the upper hand. OK. He definitely has the upper hand. But let’s get back to what makes gondolas so unique and special. A gondola is a beautiful thing. Continue reading “The Gondola – She’s a Beautiful Thing”

Nighttime Gondola Ride

Each afternoon here in Venice, we spend time watching gondolas full of tourists ply the waters of the canal behind our hotel. It’s a laid-back scene. Gondoliers belt out Italian classics everyone knows. Their voices echo off the walls of the surrounding buildings. Everyone is happy and having fun. We’re going to take a gondola ride ourselves – tonight! Continue reading “Nighttime Gondola Ride”

The Biennale d’Arte di Venezia

My doctor is into modern art. When he found out I was going to Venice, he got excited and said, “You have to go to the Biennale!” I vaguely remember my response. “Oh, the Biennale… oh yeah… in Venice… Oh yes, that’s on our to-do list… up towards the top.” So guess what? We have a free day in Venice, so we’re going to the Biennale! Continue reading “The Biennale d’Arte di Venezia”

A Visit to the Doge’s Palace

We’re in Venice, Italy.  Long before there was an “Italy,” there was an independent, powerful Venice.  Its elected leader was called the “Doge.” Today we’re going to pay a visit to the Doge’s palace. Continue reading “A Visit to the Doge’s Palace”

Let’s Meet Vitruvian Man

The time has come to see what’s drawn us to Venice’s Gallerie dell’Accademia. You’ve seen it numerous times.   It’s a drawing called “Vitruvian Man.” It’s said to be the most famous drawing in the world. What is it about this simple drawing that makes it so special? Continue reading “Let’s Meet Vitruvian Man”