Vincent van Gogh in Arles, Back in the Day

We’re in Arles, and it’s time for lunch. We found a little bistro that looked good, settled in, and had something to eat. We could see the Rhône river from where we sat. It was a beautiful, South-of-France kind of day. We visited a museum here that shows what life was like in Arles back in the day. In some ways, it seems like things here haven’t changed much. Continue reading “Vincent van Gogh in Arles, Back in the Day”

Market Day in Arles

As noted last time, due to its strategic location on the Rhone river, Arles was an important city in the Roman Empire. These days, Arles is more like a quiet little country town. But it wasn’t very quiet when we arrived. It was market day in Arles, so there was lots of hustle and bustle. That’s OK, though. It was a nice, laid back, country-style kind of hustle and bustle. Continue reading “Market Day in Arles”